Saturday, March 17, 2007

Vegas baby, Vegas...

So, here I am in Las Vegas for a few days on business travel, and although I’m not going to say anything about work, or my business here, I will share some random tidbits that I’ve noticed since my arrival:

Happy crossing guards. When I think of crossing guards, my brain automatically sends me back to the 4th grade, where I can picture the stout, gruff, faces of annoyed adults waving children across minivan-filled streets. They did not seem like a particularly cheery bunch. Then I think about my commute to work every day through one of the busiest intersections in DC. Each morning, the crossing guards furiously blow their whistles, roll their eyes, and generally treat the work force like children who have yet to learn how properly to cross the street. I’ve never received very positive vibes from them either. But the crossing guards in Vegas, now they are a different breed all together. Each morning, I arrive at the convention center looking like I shouldn’t be up at 8am PDT (which still feels like 5am EDT). As I lazily stroll closer and closer, trying to suck up as much caffeine and sun as possible before I head into the buzz of fluorescent lights, there they are. Golden-aged, sun-kissed, smiling faces, waving me across the street with personal greetings to each passerby. They cannot know how much I have thought of them during my stay here, but they certainly make my Vegas life that much more pleasant. Maybe when I retire, I’ll head out west, stop sign and yellow vest in hand, and join the ranks.

Vegas thoughts to be continued…

Lauren Weitzman
"All I want is to be Googleable!"

1 comment:

Sev said...

Some say life is in the details; by their measure you seem to be enjoying :)

Congrats on the blog! I'm looking forward to your stories... keep 'em coming!